Deputy Leslie E. Boatright and Deputy Beverly Hoffman-Wright responded to 1600 Caldwell Drive Apt. G on Aug. 7, 2013, in reference to a domestic dispute with a possible weapon having been fired. Upon arrival, Deputy Boatright and Deputy Hoffman-Wright entered Apt. G without knowing that the suspect had already fled the scene. Deputy Boatright and Deputy Hoffman-Wright were also unaware that Bertha Lopez had been shot in the femoral artery and was lying on the floor bleeding profusely behind a closed bedroom door at the end of the hallway. Deputies Boatright and Hoffman-Wright advanced down the hallway with no cover between themselves and the bedroom door where they discovered Lopez barely conscious and going into shock from her injuries. Deputy Hoffman-Wright treated Lopez for shock until Gold Cross EMS arrived and transported Lopez to the hospital. Lopez is currently recovering from her injuries. The quick and selfless actions of Deputy Boatright and Deputy Hoffman-Wright were paramount in keeping Lopez alive from what could have been a fatal wound.