On July 17, 2013, at 4:16 p.m. hours, a call went out at the Red Lobster at 440 Walton Way to a vehicle theft in progress. Deputy Phillip Snead, S18, was at the Quartermaster’s Office, off duty, obtaining new issued property. Deputy Snead heard the call go out on the radio in the Quartermaster’s Office and responded immediately on foot. Deputy Snead ran to the parking lot of the Red Lobster and took the suspect to the ground. The suspect was taken into custody with the assistance of Deputy Dennis West, who was on duty and responded to the call. The suspect had been inside the vehicle of one of the waitress’ at Red Lobster. The waitress was not familiar with the suspect. He was charged with Entering an Auto and committed to the R.C.J. Due to the quick and efficient actions of Deputies Snead and West a theft suspect was arrested. Deputy Snead is to be commended for his actions and he is appreciated by this office and all of Richmond County.